Become a supporter of Frolla

You can become a supporter / supporter of Frolla with Postepay, bank direct debit or with PayPal. You can make a one-time donation of €5, €15, €30, €50 or customize the amount as you prefer. Fill out the form alongside.

Donazioni Frolla

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Become a supporter of Frolla

You can become a supporter / supporter of Frolla with Postepay, bank direct debit or with PayPal. You can make a one-time donation of €5, €15, €30, €50 or customize the amount as you prefer. Fill out the form alongside.

Donazioni Frolla

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Thank you

Today begins a new journey, the one made together, little by little, with you. And so thank you: for the project you decide to support, for the time you are dedicating to us, for all the friends you will tell about us. We are truly convinced that together we will do great things!

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